Hello There!
We're a bunch of folks who found real meaning not in material things, but through our experiences with nature, art, and the environment. We want to share a glimpse of our world and all its possibilities with you.

Our Story
Our journey started during the pandemic when we launched an initiative to raise funds for a turtle conservation project in the Perhentian Islands.
This project was initially funded by an eco-resort, but when COVID-19 hit, the resort struggled to support itself, let alone the conservation efforts.

Then, we met a musician who offered to create a musical piece, composed by the amazing Mr. Kentaro Sato, to help raise funds. As nature and art lovers, this inspired us to start NEArt, a platform dedicated to spreading awareness about environmental preservation and conservation through art. Thanks to NEArt, the conservation project managed to survive through those tough times.

Our Intention
We decided to keep NEArt going because we’ve realized life is about more than just material stuff. It's about gratitude, appreciating what's around us, and fully engaging with our surroundings and experiences.
Nature has been here long before us.
Art, something human has created, should connect us with nature, creating a harmonious Environment.
We want to take you on a journey of self-discovery through nature, environment, and art, finding true meaning and joy in life.





Let's begin our journey together...